A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


Almost 30 | Four months until I'm 30 AF

Est. 2015

Whole Sh!t I will be turning 30 in a little over four months! Instead of creating a 30 before 30 list, I wanted to come up with a list of future bucket ideas list. Some of my inspiration is from Pinterest, so let's get started!

1. Visit a Castle

2. Get a Tattoo

3. Travel overseas

4. Go wine-tasting

5. Publish an eBook

6. Go on a road trip

7. Host a dinner party

8. Learn cocktail-making

9. Learn photography

10. Ride in a hot air balloon

11. Go to a Yankees game

12. Go to a live talk show taping

13. Get a facial

14. Plant a Tree

15. Go to a drive-in movie

16. Start my own business

17. Take a girls trip

18. Go to a music festival

19. Travel alone

20. Send more snail mail

Some of these will be accomplished sooner but others but I love having list of things I want to do!
What's on your bucket list?
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